Rescue Me! Newfoundland Newfoundland Blog

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1,322,705 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me!

Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Aurora Mccann     Date: May 20, 2018 _
     I want to thank all of you for the support and the help. I had so many emails and calls through Rescue Me! Stella found a forever home, and we know she will very happy with her new family. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Mary Chavez     Date: January 25, 2018 _
     I want to thank all of you for the amazing support and willingness to help. In two short hours, I had so many emails and calls through Rescue Me! You all are an amazing group! Lola found a home with two other Newfies and Labs! Her new owner said she is so happy! Mary Chavez

Sender: Emily Barton     Date: August 1, 2017 _
     We had been watching for a Newfoundland to adopt for a couple months since our older one passed away and our two year old Newfie needed a companion. We saw the post on Rescue Me for a nine month old Newfie/Border Collie cross and were interested. I emailed with a couple of questions and got an email and a phone call back. When we met up with the family and the dog, our dog and theirs immediately started to play together. This is what we had been waiting for, our dog had been lonely since the loss of our other Newfie. Now that we have him home it is like they have been together forever running and wrestling together, it's wonderful. The family we got him from was very nice and even though sad to see him go are happy that he went to our home with a new friend, a large fenced in yard, and lots of time to be spoiled.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue

Sender: Cari L     Date: March 25, 2017 _
     Thank you so much for creating this web site. I posted Thursday and had several responses by the end of the day. I talked with several people and this morning the family took him home. Hank has been matched with such a sweet family and they all seem just right for each other. It was crazy. I received inquiries from Washington state, Maryland, and North Carolina. What a great idea you had to facilitate great futures for animals and their new families! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Barbara Knutson     Date: February 24, 2017 _
     I couldn't have been more pleased with the results I received from Rescue Me! No less than two dozen people inquired and still getting back to them all. It is so difficult to have to give up my love for people that just don't understand puppies in my apartment complex. I was okayed to bring Leo in as a therapy dog in training. When people complained I was given an ultimatum to find him a new home or be evicted. Not that easy to find complexes that accept dogs. Leo, thanks to Rescue Me, found a forever home about three hours from me with visitation rights. He has another Newfie to play with and two other dogs on seven acres and a new loving family that loves him. Thank you for being here at such a heartbreaking time.

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Sender: Shannon Joyce     Date: February 4, 2017 _
     I have been getting alerts for Newfoundlands from Rescue Me for about a year by email and Facebook. We have had a handsome Newfie for over two years who serves as my service dog. Our cats were not completely friendly toward him and I feared he was getting bored just hanging out with me all day. My husband didn't want to raise another baby puppy so we were looking at the one year old range. We came across 'Brave' who was two hours away and had already been rescued from a dire situation by a loving family. They didn't intend to keep him forever, but knew they had to save him and start getting him healthy. The four pet parents met as did our two Newfies and a match was made. We discovered through his paperwork that he shares the same father as our first baby boy. A genetic match made in heaven. With a true baby brother by his side, my first has gained a spring in his step and more confidence, and the little one has matured to match his big brother. Thank goodness for colored collars, they are hard to tell apart! They play with each other and annoy each other, but I know they definitely love each other, and we love them.

Sender: Barbara Conway     Date: October 1, 2016 _
     What a wonderful site to bring pets and new owners together. I was overwhelmed by the flood of good people willing to give Yeti a home. This is my second dog to rehome with Rescue Me. It broke my heart to let them go, but they went to wonderful homes for one on one attention they needed and deserved. Thanks Jeff, and Rescue Me, for the great job you are doing for these animals and owners!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Heather Stenberg     Date: September 14, 2016 _
     We are profoundly happy with our Rescue Me experience! Macy is a delight and she was obviously well loved by her owner. She has already set herself into our hearts and we cannot imagine life without her!

Sender: Trevor Moyer     Date: June 20, 2016 _
     We were successful in finding Titan a new home thanks to Rescue Me! I was pleasantly surprised by the response with this site! I was expecting to get one or two phone calls. Within two hours, the phone started and it didn't stop for two days. As well as 85 emails received. Incredible! You have built quite the outreach. Thank you so much for your site. We were able to reach a couple who have had 11 Newfoundlands over a 40 year period! So we can rest easy knowing that Titan will be with someone who knows the dedication that Newfie's desire. Thank you again, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue

Sender: Julie Eittreim     Date: November 8, 2015 _
     I submitted my post for my Newfoundland, Zeus. Within hours, I had numerous inquiries; phone and email. I actually had over 150 calls and at least that many emails. I was overwhelmed with the responses! I had a family that was a great option for Zeus within less than 12 hours of my post on Rescue Me. Zeus went to live with a wonderful family which had large breed experience, they already have a Newfie. Zeus loved them the minute he met them.

Sender: Cynthia Deluca     Date: April 20, 2015 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me, for your services! We were able to place the dog in a new home in less than 12 hours, with many people on the waiting list!

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Sender: Morgan Blackburn     Date: March 3, 2015 _
     When I got on Rescue Me and saw Reno's picture, I showed him to my husband and he agreed we should look at Reno. I got in contact with the shelter where he was to make sure he was still available and he was. We are so lucky that we ended up with him, he is so calm and mellow. He has bonded with me and adores my daughter. We are so happy with him! Thanks, Rescue Me.

Sender: Amy Ragland     Date: November 23, 2014 _
     Thank you so much for the overwhelming amount of interest shown towards Buddy. After much deliberation, we feel confident we chose the right home for him. He will be with other Newfies and I'm sure that would make him very happy!! Thank you, Rescue Me.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Laird Baldwin     Date: September 17, 2014 _
     Iglu is doing great in a place for senior dogs. He is living on a farm and horse rescue, a very countrified place with lots of green. We get periodic updates, in all of which Iglu is grinning from ear to ear. They also took our cat, who climbs in bed with the owner/manager. Iglu gets tons of attention and exercise and loving care. All thanks to Rescue Me! Kudos. It was hard to part with our pets (due to medical reasons on my part), but it's very reassuring to know that they are in such kind and loving hands.

Sender: Tami Douangsy     Date: August 15, 2014 _
     Swarley found a great home! I'm glad that this website helped him find a home so quickly. I was able to meet the family and see where he would be living. Whitney has been taking great care of him and has been sending me pictures so I can see how happy he is! Thanks Rescue Me for helping me find a loving home for my dog! I'm still a little sad for having to give him up, but I know that the family that took him is going to love him as much as I do.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue

Sender: Bryana Macronald     Date: April 10, 2014 _
     Mishka's post generated a lot of interest. After going through applications, a couple was approved. She has gone to a great home, where she will be pampered and coddled and much loved.

Sender: Susan Vranich     Date: April 5, 2014 _
     Fabulous experience! So many wonderful people contacted me. I am confident our beautiful Boy found the right home. Thank you so much for your fabulous website.

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Sender: Jan Tadeo     Date: January 1, 2014 _
     Uma was adopted by a young man, Oleg, who has over four acres of land, and she is the only dog. Oleg is working with her and takes her on hikes along the Appalachian Trail. This is a great success story, and all the pictures of Uma I'm getting have a big smile on her face.

Sender: Michele Kaye     Date: November 3, 2013 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me!, we found our girl Cassie. She is adjusting well to her new home and family. We all love her so much. She has become very attached to our children in such a short time, only one month with us. Very lucky to have found her. Thanks again to Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: John Miller     Date: October 25, 2013 _
     Storms medical needs were close to not being met. Divorce is really hard on families and pets. I tried my hardest to maintain my loving girl's health needs, but vets and medication costs can add up quickly. Through the support of Rescue Me! and my local Newfoundland rescue group, I was able to find a loving adopter who will be able to take care of Storm's needs. I had several inquiries through Rescue Me!, and it wasn't easy choosing who'd be the best fit. But after talking with the applicants' vets, I was able to make a good and informed choice for Storm's best interests. Thank you.

Sender: Debra Wittcop     Date: August 25, 2013 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me!, Coal found a great home. I posted him on the site only two days ago and the calls and emails flooded in. I have spoken to so many wonderful families looking to give Coal a home. We decided to choose a family in the Cleveland area in case there would be any issues, however, I could tell they are a perfect match. Thank you to all who have responded and I hope you find your new family member. If you need to place your pet in a new home, definitely use this site! I heard from families across the states, from California to Maine. So many families are willing to open their homes to save these animals from shelters or worse. So before you give up on your pet, try Rescue Me! first, it's amazing!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue

Sender: Holly Kreh     Date: August 8, 2013 _
     Minnie is going to a new home in the morning.

Sender: Tammy Larabee     Date: July 16, 2013 _
     We received an email from Rescue Me! that there was a Newfoundland that needed a home. I contacted the number that was given to me in the email. We talked a couple of times, and then set up a time and place to meet. We drove 4 hours to met Sasha, and immediately fell in love with her along with my other dogs when we got her home. I could not imagine my life without her, she is a gentle giant and everybody that meets her loves her. She goes swimming everyday and walks twice a day. She could not hold her head higher, she is so proud. Thank you so much Rescue Me! for allowing success stories like these to take place.

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Sender: Shanelle Cahill     Date: June 30, 2013 _
     I posted Libby on Rescue Me!, and the first day I received two phone calls and six emails about her. She found a home with a very experienced Newfie owner. I could not believe how simple and efficient it was. I'm glad that she's found someone to take good care of her.

Sender: Heather Smith     Date: May 12, 2013 _
     We are so happy we used the Rescue Me! website to find a home for Missy. Within minutes of our post, we began receiving calls from wonderful people wanting to give Missy a great new home.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Scott Adrian     Date: May 9, 2013 _
     I'm so happy to say that, thanks to Rescue Me!, Gunner was placed in a loving home. A perfect match sad as it was to leave our gentle giant, the folks who have him just lost there Newfie to old age, and Gunner is a great replacement for them. As I was leaving, Gunner ran up to me, I hugged him and said you have a new home buddy, you go with them and he winked at me and ran to them... I knew then that it was a good match. Thank you Rescue Me! Scott

Sender: Ryan Johnson     Date: April 11, 2013 _
     I cannot believe the responses or how timely they were. I am truly grateful for how many great families replied. Hagred has given us many years of great friendship and helped my son through truly tough times. He is now going to bless another family the way he blessed us, although our hearts break to see him go, we know through interviews, visits and his response we have made the correct choice. Thank you, Rescue Me! This tough time would have devastated us if he ended up in a pound, our boy deserves the best and thanks to you... He gets it!!!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue

Sender: Colette Weishaar     Date: March 17, 2013 _
     Larry was very popular on Rescue Me! We received emails and phone calls from several homes. We selected a home where their old Newfoundland had recently crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Larry will be the only dog and will have a three acres to play in. Thanks to Rescue Me!, Larry has a fabulous FOREVER home.

Sender: Jami Miller     Date: November 25, 2012 _
     Thank you so much for this site! Lincoln, my Newfie has been successfully adopted by a new family. After many emails from interested families, Lincoln was placed with Ken and Carol. His new home wil be one where he is loved and has the room he needs to play. And, he will now have other newfies too play with, which lifts the heartache I was having placing him with a new family. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Rescue Me! for all you do!!

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Sender: Kaytie Garbutt     Date: November 5, 2012 _
     Thanks so much! Beuler is now with a new family, I received a picture and he seems well adjusted. Thanks for helping me find him a home that will take good care of him!

Sender: Raleigh Smith     Date: November 4, 2012 _
     I want to thank Rescue Me for making this site available! I have successfully adopted 'at risk' dogs because of this site to wonderful places and homes! The most recent is Buddy! I drove to Eugene, OR and met a wonderful teacher from Portland- and knew it was a match! I had a lot of interest! What is nice about this site is that we volunteer at various shelters and are moved with passion- and desperation to save these animals from the 'alternative' and sometimes perhaps to hasty, not wanting the animal to be euthanized,- we jump at the first who is interested! But having this site affords us an audience that allows us to be discriminating! Thank You! Raleigh, Volunteer for all dogs in need- and formally with the Josephine County Or animal shelter!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Erika Horton     Date: October 7, 2012 _
     I had a few people call me within the week, I had picked who I thought was best and would be able to afford his medical issues. I am very happy that he will be taken care of, of course very upset to see him go but I know he is going to be taken care of very well. Thank you RescueMe.

Sender: Marielan Fatula     Date: August 30, 2012 _
     I would like to thank Rescue Me for helping Tahj find a new home. I met some wonderful people who were caring and compassionate. This was the best and easiest site to use. I would recommend it to anyone having to face the devastating fact of giving up a pet that you love. I spoke with people in Washington state, Rhode Island, Texas, California, and Ohio. This site really opened my options and let me choose the perfect home for Tahj. I can't thank you enough for setting up Rescue Me and taking some of the burden of placing Tahj for adoption. You're doing a great thing! Tahj went to a family in Ohio who recently lost their Newf of 9yrs. They were so excited to find her and I felt very comfortable with Bill, Linda and Kerry taking her. I know they'll love her and treat her well.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue

Sender: Kathie T.     Date: August 8, 2012 _
     Thanks for your help in finding Bubba a new home. I was able to talk to several families wanting to bring Bubba into their lives. He will now be spending his days with his new sister Zoey, another Newfoundland, and his wonderful new family. Your website allowed me to find a home that is so perfect for my buddy Bubba. You helped me find comfort in a very difficult decision! Thank you! Kathie

Sender: Nadine Helser     Date: August 6, 2012 _
     She is going to be a therapy dog.

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Sender: Carrie Harvey     Date: July 31, 2012 _
     I was at my wits end and low and behold I get an email from Rescue me! I adopted Rocco last year and He is a wonderful dog! He had a fenced yard and the run of the house. Then.....we made a move to Illinois and no more yard and no more free time to spend with our good boy. He had been tearing up the house and I could not keep him contained in anything but a locked bathroom. That is no life for my good boy! I was devastated when I came home one day and he had jumped on the stove to get a package of soy sauce off of the microwave and turned on the burner, burning a cloth grocery bag a set of grilling tongs and the spoon rest. Lucky to still have a house. I did not know what else to do so I called the local pound. He was set to be put down this morning and I get a text from a wonderful couple that has a stay at home mom and a 14 year old son. The response I got from my post was so fast it was overwhelming. I am so glad we did not have to have him put down! I thank rescue me for being so prompt and caring.

Sender: Marina Irvin     Date: July 10, 2012 _
     Love to say that my Bear has found a new & loving home. We had a lot of people interested in him thanks to this site he has found his forever home.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Betty Vaughan     Date: May 30, 2012 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me, I was able to find Begee a wonderful new home. After numerous inquiries, I was able to interview and narrow down the interested parties and find the home best suited to Begee. Thank you, ever so much. You made a difficult task much easier for me!

Sender: Keneth White     Date: May 28, 2012 _
     Thank you for helping me find a great home for our Fozzy.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue

Sender: Nadine Helser     Date: May 26, 2012 _
     This dog was in rehab. He passed and found a loving home were he swims everyday and plays with 4 other dogs. Thank you to all who helped.

Sender: Nadine Helser     Date: May 7, 2012 _
     We found a home with retired people who have a lot of time and little money. Thank you RescueMe.Org!

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Sender: Mike Bryant     Date: May 5, 2012 _
     Thank you so very much, a nice woman that was familiar with Newfies drove 9 hours to get toby, thanks to your web site. We have been in contact and he is adjusting to his wonderful new home. Mike

Sender: Desiree Summers     Date: April 9, 2012 _
     The experience was amazing... I was shocked at how fast and how many replies I got. Thank you very much !!! Safe Journey, Desiree

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Mandi Little     Date: April 5, 2012 _
     Dear Jeff, Our Abbey has been adopted! As sad as we were to have to find a new home for Abbey, we are happy to announce that she is now living with a wonderful, dog loving couple in Oregon. Your site opened up many windows of opportunity for Abbey. Living in Oklahoma, there are very few Newfies and most people are just not familiar with the breed. Within hours of posting on your site, people from all over the United States were contacting me about adopting Abbey. One woman in particular called me and touched my heart with her many dog stories. Yesterday, I loaded Abbey in a very large crate and headed for the airport. She arrived safe and sound in Oregon several hours later and her new family just called to let me know how wonderful she is doing. Thank you for your site and best of luck!

Sender: Reva Sheffield     Date: April 5, 2012 _
     I am so thrilled at the outpouring of interested people who love this beautiful breed of dog! Within 4 hours I got a call from a lady who was interested. In 3 days we had a total of 11 inquires. Each one was very sincere and very knowledgeable. Punkin Head did go to his new home last Sunday, for a vet appointment on Monday and now to a home filled with love. Our family enjoyed the experience of caring for him through the winter. We may never know where he came from... but thanks to RescueMe.Org we know he is safe now. Reva Sheffield

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue

Sender: Judy Otey     Date: March 6, 2012 _
     Hi Jeff. When we put Tug back on Rescue Me! he had a new home in less than 2 hours. Thanks for a great site. Judy

Sender: Judy Otey     Date: February 26, 2012 _
     Dear Jeff, Tug has been adopted. We want to thank you for your website. It was a short time after posting Tug up for adoption that we had started to receive responses about adopting him. We are very pleased with the experience that we had with We posted Tug on Friday evening and had found him a new home by Sunday morning. We will definitely be getting another dog fairly soon and will be looking at for our next new dog. Thank you, Judy and Dale Otey

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Sender: Daniel Shoemake     Date: February 10, 2012 _
     Jeff, Thank you for this. When we realized we had to give Olaf up, we were really worried about finding a family that would love and care for Olaf and realize the unique breed of Newfoundlands. No sooner had I posted Olaf's name on the site and I was receiving emails from individuals whose spirit I recognized, a spirit that loves dogs and realizes the pain of giving one up. Every email I exchanged (and I assure you it was close to 50 in less than a week) was compassionate and excited and thoroughly interested in not only adopting Olaf but joying in his eventual placement. Several people even offered to keep him for a bit until we re-settled after graduate school (the reason for his placement). Thank you for this service, I hope many more benefit from it as I have. regards, Dan

Sender: Kevin Shukers     Date: January 27, 2012 _
     Jeff We did find Cash a home thanks to responses from Rescue Me. Thanks again! Kevin

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Yvonne Boys     Date: January 18, 2012 _
     Dear Jeff, Doonie has been adopted by a wonderful couple. I would recommend Rescue Me to anyone who has a Newfoundland dog they need to place in a good home with knowledgeable dog people. I'm sorry at this time I can't donate but will in the future. Sincerely, Yvonne Boys

Sender: Cindy Davidson     Date: January 14, 2012 _
     Jeff, Ethel - and Arnold! - have been adopted! I was amazed that there were so many inquiries from so many very special people willing to provide a home for one or both of our Newfs. In fact, as I write this, I have a number of people to write back to, to let them know that both dogs are now spoken for. Many thanks to you, this site, and the wonderful folks that look out for this very special breed of furry love! Cindy

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue

Sender: Julie Glover     Date: December 31, 2011 _
     Thanks. Gracie has been adopted. Your site was very helpful...I received several calls and emails within the first 3 hours. Thank you! Julie

Sender: Ron Francis     Date: December 31, 2011 _
     Jeff, Lucy was adopted yesterday by a nice, caring couple from Ohio that lost a newfie last year. My experience with your site is beyond 5 stars, I listed Lucy on a Thursday around 1p.m. by 4p.m. I had received 11 emails and 2 phone calls of people who were interested. She was adopted on Friday and taken to her new home in Ohio around 3p.m. So in a little over 24 hours Lucy was placed with a family that was a perfect fit and lived a little over 3 hours away. I would have never found them, without the help of your site. I would recommend rescue to anyone looking for or needing to place an animal. Again thank you for the great site, It saves lives of animals in a need of a good home Ronald J. Francis

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Sender: Alice Naku     Date: December 9, 2011 _
     I found this website to be extremely successful. The families who responded were all excellent candidates. Misha found a home within a week and we are very thankful for being able to use this website. - Alice

Sender: Brenda     Date: October 5, 2011 _
     Leah did find a new home. Your site was absolutely amazing in helping me find a home for both of my newfies. I will definitely recommend your site to anyone looking to place a pet. I will also most certainly be happy to send a donation this year to Rescue Me! Thank you.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Laurie Hillis     Date: September 23, 2011 _
     Jeff, Rosie has a new home. She was taken by rocky mountain Newfoundland rescue and will be place with an appropriate family. I so appreciate your rescue me site. Without it I wouldn't have been able to help Rosie as we don't have many options where I live. Thank you so much. Laurie

Sender: Brad Mckenzie     Date: September 2, 2011 _
     Jeff, Mack will be placed this weekend. The site worked very well and the quality of perspective homes was terrific. Thank you very much.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Newfoundland Rescue

Sender: Jillian Palmiotto     Date: July 30, 2011 _
     Hermosa was adopted! Using the Rescue Me site was a wonderful experience. We were fostering Hermosa for a friend who could no longer take care of her. Although we fell in love with her, we did not have adequate room for her to run and play the way a puppy needs to do. She seemed happy here, but we were looking for an even better place for her to stay. We fostered Hermosa for almost a year and tried to find another family to take her by word of mouth and by posting her on other websites. Each day, we were falling more in love with her and knew the longer we had her, the more attached we would become. So, I stumbled upon the Rescue Me website. Once I found it, I easily posted a description and picture and someone contacted us the next day. This was one of those 'God had a hand in this one' stories. A family in North Carolina had a 6 year old Newfoundland/Lab mix who got cancer in her leg. They were going to have to amputate to save the dog's life and they ended up losing her in the surgery. Obviously, the family was heart broken as they thought they would have her for years to come since she was so young. The oldest daughter, Ryan, began asking for another dog like the one they had lost. Her parents told her that if she saved up her allowance, and found a dog to rescue, then she could have it. So, Ryan worked hard and saved $50. Then, without her parents knowledge, she placed a letter in the mailbox of a woman who lives down the street who rescues dogs. The letter told the story and asked if she new of a Newfie or Newfie mix that she could have. Well, the woman only rescues small dogs and had nothing like what the girl was looking for. Moved by the letter, the woman told her grown daughter, Jennifer, the story. Jennifer then saw our dog's picture (Hermosa - a Newfie/Lab mix) and contacted us. The story gets even better....the family lives in NC and we live in Atlanta, GA. Jennifer just so happened to be coming to Atlanta the very next week for job training! She put us in touch with Ryan's family and we answered their questions and go to know them a little better. We decided they would be a good fit for Hermosa and they decided she would be a good fit for them. One week after posting Hermosa on Rescue Me, she had a new happy home. Hermosa now lives in another state and we are staying in contact with her new family. She has 3 acres of land to run around and play on and 2 other puppies to play with as well. The family called to tell us when Hermosa arrived that she is identical to the dog they lost last year - all black, cute as can be, identical personalities, and a Newfie/Lab mix. They couldn't be happier and we couldn't have found a better place for Hermosa. Rescue Me was definitely a God sent way for us to make our pet and 2 families very happy! Thank you for all that you do! Sincerely, Jillian Palmiotto

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